Sunday, Day 1

 After a night full of hammocks and barking dogs, our hosts served us a delicious breakfast of eggs and fresh fruit. Yum! We then drove to church where Omega gave a sermon about serving.

Some highlights were: you don't need riches or money to serve, don't wait for others to do it first, no expertise is needed, serving is for life, and you can do it wherever you are.

It was amazing to see how joyfully and how loud that everyone sang, even in a small community. It was very welcoming and friendly and many hugs were shared. It seemed like everyone was very joyful. It was very fluid and flexible, because church was the most important part of the day. We were invited to sing a song from our church, and our interperator, Lois, even taught us how to sing a song in Spanish, and Mayan!

We came back, clarified some things for tomorrow and the rest of the week, took a walk to the store for chips, and ended our day with an absolutely amazing dinner and watching the Super Bowl. The day flew by and the forecast for the coming days is hopeful and joyful. And productive! Hasta Mañana (until tomorrow)


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