
 Many art lessons. 

So, we have learned the art of mixing cement, the art of painting epoxy so the bubbles disappear, the art of a polite reach down the table to snag a hot tortilla, the art of taking cold showers and now we learned more about the art of waiting…and more of what it means to be on Mexican time. Saturday morning an hour and a half in line to rent a golf cart, then no one at the office supposedly open till nine at night.  Kelly takes one for the team, leaving behind her driver’s license so we can skip a step in the morning and catch the early ferry so we can make it to church. The hotel clerk who assists with that process is the same one who is not at work when we need to check out Sunday morning   No one answers the phone or the bell. We wait. The porters confirmed to take our luggage are no shows. It did rain in the night after all…We wait. We take taxis and miss the ferry by five minutes. We wait. And for some of us once back in the States on Sunday practice this new skill as we wait two hours in immigration! Ahhh… But we have been good students and know a new level of patience now and know the power of a quiet smile in the midst of complaining sunburned tourists who have experienced a very different Cancún than we have. 

Saturday exploring Isla Mujeres included seeing Punta Sur, the eastern most point in Mexico. The sculptures of Mayan deities, caves and iguanas, souvenir shopping and big jolts for the back seat riders as speed bumps are placed everywhere. We shopped at the big grocery store Chedraui for supplies including cold medicines that would have been triple the price at home. Patti is ailing and brave Wanda has graciously put up with her snoring, made even worse by cough and cold. We are grateful for good health and no injuries on this trip. Perhaps a bit of sunburn today but all in all a high score in the health department

A bit more beach time then off to a fantastic meal at Rosa Sirenas. A rooftop restaurant with live music and gracious hosts. The fantastic menu provided fresh grouper, octopus, and new mole sauce flavors we had never tried before. Dessert was delicious and memorable! Coconut, lime cheesecake, and a traditional pie with the texture of pumpkin pie but the flavor of caramel. A beautiful end to a week of “comida Yucateca” with all the flavors of this region. 

Nighttime devotions and our last Examen. Many deep breaths as we process our week on so

 many levels. Careful thought put into our thank you card messages to these hosts who have fed and cared for us, taught us, humored us, inspired us, delivered us, laughed with and hugged us proving our connection through Christ is not just superficial but real, authentic, powerful.  We look forward to seeing them tomorrow but do not look forward to saying goodbye. 


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