
Our work began today at Ministerio De Vida.
We are learning to be nimble as we serve here at Ministerio De Vida. We were to do tile work and epoxy work today, but, unfortunately the mason had a family emergency. The plan changed to paint the first floor of the church, and prepare the upstairs walls with sealant for more painting tomorrow. Jacobo took a 6 hour train ride to Progreso, Mexico, where he is starting another church that will be housed in an old abandoned building. He will join us tomorrow afternoon. During our devotion time this evening, we spoke about our call to serve as needed, and how it is not necessarily how we envision this service to transpire. 

When we answer the call to serve, we are blessed in countless, unexpected ways. From delicious homemade food so caliente that Joann was brought to tears, to fried plantains, to moyetes (refried black beans and cheese on fresh bread), and a lot of Coca-Cola and Tamarind juice. Blessing abounded, as there were doubts about painting white on already white walls, especially when the paint we were using looked gray until it dried, but the result was truly amazing and looked so finished and beautiful and new. The gift of an extended Familia is another blessing; holding new babies and watching the adventures of a very inquisitive 2 year old, and being hugged more in one day then you have been in a week, leaves the heart so full. However, it seemed that the well of blessings hadn't run dry. As we were sitting outside after doing our devotional and talking, we all suddenly felt a drop of water, then another, then another, and before you know it Lacey was playing in the rain and dragging her mother out too. What an amazing thing after lots of heat! And an adventure in itself.

Every evening after dinner, the 6 of us spend time doing a devotional. Tonight we read Isaiah 58:6-12, reflecting upon how God is present with us when we care for the vulnerable and oppressed. We discussed what made us sure why we are here. The over-arching theme was relationship. Omega shared during her sermon, that us being here is showing God's love. Would the impact be as powerful if we simply sent money? Would the impact be as powerful if we simply sent supplies? Certainly we could do these things, but we would not have a relationship, demonstrating God's love and forming deep connections. Through these relationships and experiences, we learn and can share this knowledge with others. These personal testimonies, further draw others into service. As my daughter, Lacey, goes through confirmation, fostering a relationship with Christ is a primary lesson. Serving with action and with love is our call as Christians, and is exactly what Christ desires for us.


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