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We've set up this space for our church family to check in on how things are going in Cancun. 

I struggled a bit with making a name, etc., so I looked up verses about serving and thought that following is a great one:

1 Peter 4:10-11

"Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God my be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen"

As I prepare for the trip, I will admit, I get nervous twitches in my stomach. What will it be like when I get there? Will I sleep well in a hammock? (Lacey laughs at me for worrying about this - but many years working in the hospital and 4 children has done a number on my back!). There are other things that pop into my head, but I always end up in the same place.

My Star Word for the year is RISK. I will admit, I had no idea that this practice existed. When, I picked it, I looked at Tanya and asked if I could pick a different one. I wanted PAUSE to be my word. Why pause? Because, if you know me, I have a very hard time sitting still. And when I do stop and take a lazy day, I generally think about all the things I could or should be doing. My mind runs a million miles an hour, and generally, I am typically thinking about something unrelated to the task I am completing. I like to call it multi-tasking, but the truth is, it has spiraled into a feeling of disconnection from precious moments of my life. But RISK?! What the hey am I going to do with that! Well, going to Cancun I suppose! Of course, in God's way, He is also allowing me to work on my personal word at the same time. I am going someplace where I will be forced to PAUSE and open my heart and mind to the Spirit and to the way of life of the people I am going to meet. I am excited to take the RISK!

So, I am new to the blog world, but if I set this up right, the title you will see when you go to this page  is  "The Power of Empty Hands" I chose this, because Patti/Cathy sent it to us to reflect upon. It is about gift giving, but it resonated with me. I thought you all may enjoy it too. I know I will gain so much more than I give, and for this I am truly blessed and grateful.




  1. Safely in Mexico in the home of our dear friends, the Caamal Madrigal family. Travel for me went well despite a long run to the gate in Charlotte, just as they were paging me! Met by grandson Gaby who is no longer a kid but a tall teen with a mustache! We recognized each other immediately and had a hilarious ride home as my ear tunes to the language, well, almost, since i have to keep reminding them to speak more slowly...mas despacio por favor!
    This morning i've decided i've developed a new superpower...the ability to hear a smile.
    Smiles are everywhere...here at home, at the store, in the street, with the shrimp salesman. Really
    quite amazing, since there is so much to listen to...doves at the window, the sound of her broom across the concrete as she cleans the patio (for us!), loud music next door, the not- only -early -morning rooster and the ever present street dog serenade...
    There is also quiet...as i tap on my computer Omega quietly reads her Bible next to me, a daily ritual and one i am so blessed to be close to, and motivated by. I had a full night's sleep but she was up till 2:00 a.m doing laundry and making preparations for 'el equipo' THE TEAM! I learned a new word yesterday, for cheerleader, 'porrista'. I had to act it out to help them get the idea. Laughable, but so important that all of Crossroads and especially our team shares our thanks to Cathy and Jay Sanders for being 'porristas excepcionales' for Ministerio de Vida and for all the teams they have inspired and helped organize over the years. We sat here last night looking at the old pictures and my heart was so full. To think this all started with God's calling on the hearts of the Caamals and on so very many Crossroads folks who have worked, prayed and given so this mission can thrive. My heartfelt thanks along with my confidence that our team of Kelly, Lacey, Wanda, Joann and Steve will once again be Christ's hands and feet in this place.
    Fresh mangoes, coffee with cinnamon...and a LONG shopping list. We planned all the menus last night and will be working hard today. And i'll be an excited 'porrista' to see my teammates tomorrow at the airport. HEARING your smiles already.
    paz, patti

    Fresh mangoes for breakfast, coffee with cinnamon, and the peaceful


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